Thursday, February 9, 2012

First Animoto!

I think this would be a great way for students to work together as a whole group project or in small groups. For example, the teacher and students could put a video together based on a field trip they went on, post it on their class blog and be able to show parents how exciting their field trip was. Or, I think it's a great way to demonstrate student work in a fun and creative way.
Students can have fun with this by choosing a topic related to the theme of a particular subject and the rest is up to their imaginations. This is a great way to bring out creativity among the students.
For teachers, it gives us an opportunity and opens a door to teach them how to use these tools  appropriately and still have fun with them.

Another great tool I was looking around in was Glogster. This is also another great way to bring out students creative ideas-digitally!

Glogster coming soon!

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