Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Literacies

New Literacies Article
This article brought me back to my middle school days when media and computers was a whole different class-in fact it was a special. We learned how to use PowerPoint, Excel and most importantly Word. The teacher always reminded us to "Save" our work at least every 5 minutes. I am not sure if the middle school continues to have a separate time of the day dedicated to teaching students about computers and various presentation tools. I feel that it should be integrated into the classroom as much as possible-in fact, in each subject. This new and growing wave of technology is what the students of this generation and the next and the next will be breathing and eating. Why not use it, incorporate it and teach it with the same drive and dedication that math, reading, science and social studies is taught? Could it be that teachers are nervous to begin incorporating blogs, wikis and other developing technology into their classrooms? Learning about the new things out there like wiki's, blogs, Prezi, etc. can be overwhelming at first. Not going to lie. But in the end, I feel it can bring creativity out of each and every one of us if we begin to really immerse ourselves in it.
For example, I recently heard about Prezi and when I was told it was similar to PowerPoint in it being a presentation tool but BETTER, I had to check it out myself. Now, I am developing a presentation based on iPads in the classroom. Inspiration? My own iPad and a classmate who discussed it in last week's class!
I am very immersed in this program and cannot wait to show my final product. I am also having fun using it!
Teacher Standards
I am so glad there is a website with standards for technology. Students in teacher preparation programs should have this with them at all times. Lesson plans could be designed integrating reading, writing and all other subjects. Plus, you have these standards to work towards and develop objectives for what you want your students to be able to do at the end of the day.

Digital Literacy-Using Technology in the Classroom
^^ Please watch!